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The Migrant Destitution Fund is open to people in Greater Manchester who are destitute because they have no leave to remain in the UK.

  • E.g. refused asylum seekers, or people whose leave to remain has lapsed

  • No right to work or access public funds

  • Not receiving Home Office support (section 98/ section 95 / section 4 asylum support)

  • Not receiving financial support equivalent to MDF from any other organisation


You cannot apply directly to the fund, you need to be referred by one of our referral partners. If you are already connected with one of those organisations, ask someone there to refer you to the fund.


If you are not already connected with one of these organisations, write to us at, and we will signpost you to the most suitable organisation that can help you apply to the fund.


  1. The organisation will complete the application form with you and send it to the fund.

  2. The application will be anonymised and then reviewed by a panel. The panel is made up of two people with lived experience of destitution, and two frontline workers. They will check you are eligible for the fund. 

  3. Decisions are made twice per week, so you should receive a decision within a week of submitting the application.

  4. If approved, the funds will be paid to you directly by the referring organisation.


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